5 Effective SMS Strategies for Recovering Abandoned Carts

Ashley Gregg • Jan 16, 2023

Shopping online has become a norm for many customers, with the convenience and variety of products that e-commerce platforms offer. However, with this convenience comes a common issue: abandoned shopping carts. According to Statista, the average cart abandonment rate for e-commerce is 69.57%. Almost 70% of customers who add items to their cart end up not completing their purchase. This can be a significant loss for online businesses. However, there is a solution to this problem: SMS marketing. This blog post will discuss effective SMS strategies for recovering abandoned carts.

Abandoned carts can happen for various reasons, such as high shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, or the customer simply changing their mind. However, regardless of the reason, abandoned carts represent a missed opportunity for businesses. SMS marketing can be an effective way to recover abandoned carts. SMS open rates are as high as 98%, and customers are more likely to respond to a text message than an email. SMS can be used to remind customers of their abandoned cart, offer incentives for completing their purchases, or address any concerns that may have caused them to abandon their cart in the first place.

This blog post will discuss several strategies for recovering abandoned carts through SMS marketing. We will cover the importance of personalization, timing, limited-time offers, follow-up messages, and A/B testing. We will also provide examples and best practices for each strategy to help you implement them in your own SMS campaigns. By the end of this post, you will better understand how to use SMS to recover abandoned carts and increase your e-commerce sales.

1) Personalization

Personalization is a key aspect of SMS marketing, and it's especially important when recovering abandoned carts. Personalized SMS messages are more likely to be read and acted upon than generic messages. By addressing the customer by name and referencing items in their abandoned cart, businesses can make the customer feel more connected to the message and more likely to complete their purchase.

Personalization helps to build trust and engagement with customers. When customers receive a message tailored to them, they are more likely to feel a sense of connection with the business. Personalization also shows that the business has taken the time to understand their customer's needs and preferences. This can increase customer loyalty and lead to repeat purchases.

Here are a few different ways to personalize SMS messages:

  • Including the customer's name in the message, such as "Hi, [Name], we noticed that you left items in your cart. Would you like to complete your purchase?"

  • Referencing items in their abandoned cart, such as "Don't miss out on the [item name] in your cart. Act now and get [discount offer] off your purchase!"

  • Personalizing the message based on the customer's past behavior, such as "Thanks for your past purchases, [Name]. We have a special offer for you on items similar to what you have bought before."

It's important to note that personalization should be done in a way that respects the customer's privacy and does not feel intrusive.

2) Timing

Timing is crucial when it comes to recovering abandoned carts through SMS. If the message is sent at the wrong time, the customer may not see it or may have already moved on. On the other hand, if the message is sent at the right time, the customer is more likely to see it and be reminded of their abandoned cart.

Sending an SMS message immediately after a cart is abandoned can increase the chances of the customer returning to complete their purchase. This is because the customer is still thinking about the items in their cart and is more likely to be enticed by an offer or reminder. 

However, it's also important to consider the customer's schedule and preferences. Sending an SMS message during a time when the customer is likely to be busy or unavailable may not be effective.

Suggested best times to send SMS messages:

  • Shortly after the cart is abandoned: The customer is most likely to be thinking about the items in their cart. Sending an SMS message within the first hour of cart abandonment can be incredibly effective.

  • During peak shopping hours: If the customer is a frequent online shopper, they may be more likely to see and respond to an SMS message during peak shopping hours.

  • During off-peak hours: If the customer is a busy individual, they may be more likely to see and respond to an SMS message during off-peak hours when they have more free time.

It's important to keep in mind that the best time to send an SMS message will vary for each customer, so it's vital to test different times and observe the response rate.

3) Limited-Time Offers

Limited-time offers, such as discounts or free shipping, can effectively incentivize customers to return to their abandoned cart. These offers create a sense of urgency that can motivate customers to act quickly. 

For example, if customers receive an SMS message offering a discount on their abandoned cart, but the offer expires in 24 hours, they are more likely to take action and complete their purchase before it expires. 

Additionally, offers such as free shipping can help to alleviate any concerns the customer may have had about the cost of their purchase and encourage them to complete their purchase.

Here are a few effective limited-time offers that can be used in SMS messages:

  • A discount code for a percentage off the purchase, such as "Don't miss out on 10% off your abandoned cart. Use code ABANDONED10 at checkout."

  • A limited-time free shipping offer, such as "Complete your purchase in the next 24 hours and get free shipping on your order."

  • A buy-one-get-one-free offer, such as "Buy one item from your abandoned cart and get the second item 50% off."

  • A bundle deal, such as "Add [item name] to your abandoned cart and get [item name] for free."

It's important to note that the offer should be relevant to the customer and their abandoned cart so that it can be more effective.

4) Follow-up Messages

Follow-up messages can effectively remind customers of their abandoned cart and encourage them to complete their purchase. However, it's important to strike a balance between being persistent and being too pushy.

Follow-up messages serve as a reminder to customers of their abandoned cart and can help to overcome any objections or hesitations they may have had about completing their purchase. Follow-up messages can also offer additional incentives or address any concerns that may have caused the customer to abandon their cart in the first place. 

Additionally, follow-up messages can help to increase the chances of recovering an abandoned cart, as some customers may need more than one reminder before taking action.

Example follow-up messages to send and the appropriate intervals between them:

  • The number of follow-up messages to send will vary depending on the customer and their abandoned cart. However, as a general rule, sending a maximum of 3 follow-up messages is recommended.

  • The appropriate intervals between follow-up messages depend on the customer and their abandoned cart. However, as a general rule, it's recommended to send the first follow-up message within 24 hours of cart abandonment, the second follow-up message within 48 hours, and the third follow-up message within 72 hours.

It's important to note that each customer is unique and may respond differently to follow-up messages, so it's essential to test different intervals and observe the response rate. Additionally, it's important to respect the customer's preferences and allow them to opt-out of follow-up messages if they wish.

5) A/B Testing

A/B testing is a crucial aspect of SMS marketing and can help businesses to optimize their campaigns and increase the chances of recovering abandoned carts. A/B testing involves sending out two versions of a message, with one small variation, to a sample of customers and comparing the results.

A/B testing allows businesses to test different elements of their SMS messages, such as subject lines, message content, and timing, to see which version is most effective. This helps businesses to optimize their campaigns and increase the chances of recovering abandoned carts. 

Additionally, A/B testing can help businesses learn more about their customer's preferences and behavior, which can improve future campaigns.

Tips for what to test:

  • Subject lines: Test different subject lines to see which one is most likely to grab the customer's attention and encourage them to open the message.

  • Message content: Test different message content, such as the tone, the language, and the offers, to see which one is most likely to encourage the customer to return to their abandoned cart.

  • Timing: Test different times to send the message to see which one is most likely to catch the customer when they are available to read and act on it.

Keep in mind that A/B testing should be done in a way that is respectful of the customer's privacy and does not feel intrusive. Additionally, it's essential to test only one variable at a time to avoid confusion and accurately measure the results.

In Conclusion

In this blog post, we've discussed several strategies for recovering abandoned carts through SMS marketing. We've covered the importance of personalization, timing, limited-time offers, follow-up messages, and A/B testing. By implementing these strategies, businesses can increase the chances of recovering abandoned carts and boost their e-commerce sales.

We discussed the importance of personalization in SMS messages to build customer trust and engagement. The timing was also discussed as a crucial aspect of SMS marketing, as sending an SMS message immediately after a cart is abandoned can increase the chances of the customer returning to complete their purchase. 

We talked about the use of limited-time offers in SMS messages, such as discounts or free shipping, which can effectively incentivize customers to return to their abandoned cart. We touched on the importance of sending follow-up messages to customers who have abandoned their carts and the appropriate intervals between them. 

Lastly, we explained the importance of A/B testing in SMS marketing, which can help businesses to optimize their campaigns and increase the chances of recovering abandoned carts.

By implementing the strategies, businesses can increase their chances of recovering abandoned carts and boost their e-commerce sales. We encourage readers to test these strategies in their own SMS campaigns and observe the results. Always respect the customer's privacy, use A/B testing to optimize your campaigns, and, most importantly, adapt to your customer's behavior and preferences.

About Radiance Commerce

Are you looking for a way to implement an effective SMS strategy for recovering abandoned carts? Look no further than Radiance Commerce! 

Our platform provides all the tools you need to personalize, time, and test your SMS messages and create and send follow-up messages and limited-time offers. 

With Radiance Commerce, you can easily segment your customers and send targeted messages that are most likely to convert. Plus, our platform integrates with your e-commerce store, making it easy to track abandoned carts and send messages at the right time. 

Don't miss out on the potential sales from abandoned carts. Sign up for Radiance Commerce today and start recovering those lost sales!

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